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4-2 The Gate to the Netherworld is Opened

1: The Aradama of the Netherworld (1)#

Mihono: --Ah! There they are! It's Kanami!
Kiyoka: We finally found them... But, what matters is, where's Juujou-san...?
Chie: -!? That's--
Chie: Tagitsuhime!?
Tagitsu: ...At last. At last, the gate to the netherworld can be opened.
Kaoru: -!? Oi, look up! Something crazy's happening to the sky!
Mai: The sky is splitting open...
Sayaka: That's... the gate to the netherworld...?
Ellen: Wh-What do we do about that!?
Kanami: ...Tagitsuhime!! Give Hiyori-chan back!!
Tagitsu: --Hmph. Having achieved my goal, I need nothing more from you.
Yukari: Grh... She teleported using the leyline...!!
Kofuki: Oi oi... What the hell happened when we were on the way here...?
Suzuka: ...Maki-san. What's happening to the sky...?
Maki: I don't know either, but it doesn't look like it could be anything good.
Yume: Hey, hey. Are you seeing this black stuff like snow that's falling down?
Suzuka: Black snow...? What is it--
Maki: -!? This isn't snow! ...It's aradama!!
Yume: The snow on the ground is bunching up and turning into aradama! What the heck!
Maki: Here they come! Suzuka! Yume! Be ready!

2: The Aradama of the Netherworld (2)#

Suzuka: Phew... That appears to be all of them dealt with. I will say though, they felt much more formidable than the aradama we've faced so far...
Maki: --You two. I received a message from Director Maniwa just now. It sounds like Tagitsuhime opened a gate to the netherworld; that thing in the sky.
Suzuka: A gate to the netherworld...!! In other words, these aradama here came from the netherworld?
Maki: Yeah. It's safe to assume so.
Yume: Then that means, we're in a state of emergency?
Suzuka: That's what it means.
Yume: Then I'll get to show off how great I am a whole bunch, won't I? I'll try extra hard-!
Maki: Sure. We're counting on you, Yume.
Suzuka: Still, you mustn't push yourself too hard.
Yume: Yeah, I got it!

3: Leave (1)#

Tagitsu: ...I am connected. To Hirukomitama.
Yukina: Allow me to congratulate you.
Yukina: Having taken in two gods and connected with your true form in the netherworld, your domination of this world is assured.
Yukina: And I will continue serving you to the best of my ability--
Tagitsu: Leave.
Yukina: ...Ah? What did you say just now?
Tagitsu: I said to leave. There is nothing more for you to do.
Yukina: Wh-What are you saying...? I have been nothing but loyal to you--
Yui: ......
Yukina: Wha...! Y-You brats, who do you think you're pointing those okatana at!?
Hana: President Takatsu, didn't you hear her? Tagitsuhime-sama told you to leave.
Hana: You don't have to worry. We, the imperial guard, will make sure Tagitsuhime-sama is protected from now on.
Tagitsuhime: ...Hmph.
Yukina: But... Why... Princess...?
Tagitsuhime: Not long now.
Mihono: ...I still can't believe Juujou-san got absorbed into Tagitsuhime...
Mirja: What's more, with the gate to the netherworld open, aradama are coming forth in droves.
Mirja: The JSDF have also been mobilized, along with toji from across the nation, though...
Kiyoka: We fought the aradama from the netherworld before, when we went to rescue Tsubakuro-san. They're so much stronger than the ones we're used to...
Kofuki: Things just don't get much worse than this, huh! Good thing I get to fight the aradama-chan from the netherworld!
Chie: Even Kofuki-chan's usually brash comments feel reassuring now.
Academy Intercom: Aradama have been sighted in the area of this academy. Toji, please prepare to sortie at once. I repeat, aradama have been sighted--
Kofuki: Oh-! Sounds like we're up!
Mirja: Everyone! Move out!

4: Leave (2)#

Kiyoka: Sigh... The aradama from the netherworld are just as strong as I remembered...
Kofuki: I know, right! I got to have tons of fun with them!
Mihono: ......
Chie: ...Are you alright, Mihono-chan? Every since we heard about Juujou-san, you've seemed lost in your own thoughts...
Mihono: Ah-, sorry, Chii-nee. I was just thinking about Kanami.
Mihono: Right in front of Kanami's eyes, Juujou-san... It must have been really hard on her. I was just wondering, is she okay...
Kofuki: Like you've got time to be worrying about others right now. Instead of moping around, all we've gotta do is go beat the crap out of Tagitsuhime.
Kofuki: Just think of it as payback for Hiyori.
Mirja: We might not all be as simple as Shichinosato Kofuki, but it's important to get our emotions in order.
Kofuki: Huhh? You making fun of me?
Mirja: No, I mean it as a compliment. Being able to keep your feelings focused at a time like this is a valuable skill.
Yui: Ahh-! It's the girls from the investigation team-! Hooray!
Mihono: Yui...!?

5: Unexpected Assault (1)#

Yui: Has everyone in the investigation team been doing okay-?
Kofuki: Geh. Do we really have to deal with them again...
Hana: Please, you don't have to look so annoyed.
Yui: I'm just so happy to get to see you, Kofuki-san! You should be happier too, that we can be together again!
Yui: ...So then, Kiyoka-chan, gimme a big good to see you hug!
Kiyoka: I don't want to!
Kofuki: You guys are a pain in the ass. You're just gonna try stealing the noro again, aren't you?
Hana: Of course we are. Will you let us have that noro then, so we can offer it to Tagitsuhime-sama?
Chie: I can't tell you how many times we've had this exchange, but we aren't giving you anything for Tagitsuhime to use!
Mirja: Yamashiro Yui, Suzumoto Hana. I see no indication of you returning to your senses. And naturally, negotiation will be impossible. Which leaves us with...
Mirja: We are going to restrain the two of you here.
Yui: Ah! I'm gonna borrow that idea for myself! If we beat you, I'll restrain you all too, okay!
Yui: And then, the things I'll do to you-! We can do it all!
Hana: Yui. That's enough flirting with the enemy. As a platoon leader, you're setting a bad example for the others.
Yui: Ahaha, sorry about thaaat. In that case, let's get started! Imperial guard, charge-!

6: Unexpected Assault (2)#

Hana: Gh...!! The investigation team is definitely tough...!!
Yui: This is bad, Hana-san. I'm all out of the strengthening drugs... Maybe we should pull back for now--
Kiyoka: Kyaa-!! Wh-What was that, that horrible roaring sound!?
Kofuki: --Oi! Look over there! Behind the imperial guards! That aradama that just appeared is so huge it's unreal!
Great Aradama: GUGAAAAA!!
Chie: This is bad...!! That's... a great aradama!?
Kiyoka: Wh-What should we do!? Thankfully, the people living here have finished evacuating, but...
Mirja: Right now, it's in our best interests to avoid fighting that aradama! We're retreating for now! We'll revise our strategy!
Kiyoka: Kyaa!! That great aradama, it's heading this way scarily fast!?
Imperial Guard A: Wh-What do we do...
Imperial Guard B: Nobody said something like that would show up... Tagitsuhime-sama...
Great Aradama: --GGGOOOOOOUUU!!
Yui: Ngghh...!! It hits so hard...!!
Mihono: Yui!?
Hana: Grh-!! ...There's nothing we can do! Imperial guard, retreat! We're leaving, Yui!
Yui: But, if I can beat this thing, then all that noro...!
Great Aradama: GGGAAAAAA!!
Mihono: Yui!!
Yui: ...Not here... Like this...
Yui: ...I'm sorry, Miku...
Kiyoka: --NOOOOOO!!

7: Awakening (1)#

Chie: Yui-chan!? This can't be happening!? Say something!!
Kofuki: Yui!! Get up already!! You want to get run over!?
Kiyoka: It's no use!! She's completely lost consciousness!!
Mihono: We have to-- We have to save Yui, fast!!
Great Aradama: GGGAAAAOOO!!
Chie: It takes everything I have just to defend myself! It's attacks are too intense to get any closer!!
Mirja: One wrong hit would spell total defeat...
Mirja: If only... If only we had some means of... If we don't act quickly, Yamashiro Yui will...
Mihono: Yui... Why did this have to happen... I'm sorry... If I were just stronger...
Mihono: ............
Mihono: --I can't think like that!! I've gotta pull myself together!!
Mihono: I can't give up!! Because where there's a will, there's a way!!
Mihono: I'm going to save Yui, no matter what!!
Great Aradama: GGGAAAAAAAA!!

8: Awakening (2)#

Mihono: Pant... Pant...
Mihono: I did it...!! We won... We won, Yui...!!
Mirja: I can hardly believe my eyes. She brought down that great aradama...!!
Kiyoka: Yui-chan-- I think she's just unconscious! Please call a rescue team, quickly!
Kofuki: I don't really get it, but it looks like we're saved...
Kofuki: --!? Mihocchi! Watch out!
Mihono: Wagh!? What now-!?
Mirja: ...Tagitsuhime!!
Tagitsuhime: I see... I had thought I sensed a strange presence... Was it you toji then?
Chie: Why is she here!?
Mihono: I-I don't know, but this is our best chance! We have to make her give back Juujou-san!
Chie: Mihono-chan!?
Mihono: Don't worry, Chii-nee! Right now, I feel like I could take on anything! HAAAAAA-!!
Mihono: --Huh? She dodged it!?
Tagitsuhime: ...Heh.
Mihono: Urgh!!
Tagitsuhime: It seems my concern for that strangeness was misplaced. None of you are a threat to me after all.
Tagitsuhime: My interest is waning. I will take my leave.
Mihono: W-Wait...!! Give back Juujou-san...!!
Mihono: I don't want to see Kanami looking that sad anymore!!
Tagitsuhime: That has no relevance to me.
Mirja: Sigh...... At any rate, we were able to avoid any losses here...
Mihono: ...I'm sorry, Juujou-san... Sorry, Kanami... I just... If I were just stronger...
Chie: What are you saying? You managed to defeat that great aradama. You're just out of strength from all the fighting today. That's why-- Mihono-chan.
Chie: Let's bring Yui back home with us, and get lots of rest... After that, we can all think together of some way to stop Tagitsuhime, okay?
Mihono: .........Okay.
Mirja: What happened with Kashuu Kiyomitsu... Was that Asakura Mihono's power...? Or rather...

9: A Place I Must Go (1)#

Elsewhere, at that time--

Yomi: Nn.....
Yomi: Where am I...? ............
Yomi: For how long was I unconscious...?
Yomi: .........I have to hurry, back to her...
Yomi: ......! Aradama......!
Aradama: SHAAAAAA!
Yomi: Just...
Yomi: Stay out of my way...!

10: A Place I Must Go (2)#

Yomi: Pant... Pant... I can... Still...
Yomi: I'll make it to her... Without fail... Urgh...
Kofuki: You know, you were pretty crazy back there, Mihocchi, when you were fighting that great aradama. What was up with that anyway?
Mihono: I dunno either! But I think, Kiyomitsu was probably trying to help me save Yui! Thanks, Kiyomitsu!
Mirja: Some things defy explanation. When we find a calm moment, I would certainly like to research Kashuu Kiyomitsu in depth.
Kiyoka: By the way... What's going to happen with Yui-chan now...?
Chie: The rescue team should be here to recover her any minute. But, after that...
Chie: After she wakes up, she might try to return to the imperial guard, so she'll need to be placed under arrest...
Mirja: Excuse the interruption, everyone. President Souraku is calling. I will put her on speakerphone.
Yuzuki: I heard the report. You've secured Yamashiro Yui, haven't you.
Yuzuki: --Do you have the ampoule I left with you there now?
Mirja: Yes, I have it on hand. Our conversation was cut off, so I never had the chance to ask you, what is in this ampoule?
Yuzuki: .........To put it simply, you could think of it as... a cure for the imperial guard's strengthening drugs.
Yuzuki: If you apply that to Yamashiro Yui, it should be capable of dispelling the brainwashing effect Tagitsuhime has on her.
Kiyoka: Will it really!?
Yuzuki: However, it comes with its own risk. And a grave risk at that. The truth is, that ampoule belonged to the elite guard...
Yuzuki: It's the strengthening drug once used by Shidou and Konohana.

11: Yui's Resolve#

Mirja: A strengthing drug for the elite guard... you mean?
Yuzuki: That's correct. Though, it may be hard to consider this a cure.
Yuzuki: It's nothing more than an even stronger drug than the ones Yamashiro Yui was given in the imperial guard, which should soon overwrite Tagitsuhime's affect on her mind.
Yuzuki: However, rather than curing her, using that ampoule will deepen the effects of the noro in Yamashiro Yui's body.
Chie: But then... Even if it would remove the brainwashing, that's just...
Kiyoka: Tsubakuro-san was in a lot of pain because of the noro inside her body, wasn't she...
Chie: Not just Tsubakuro-san. Shidou-san, and Konohana-san too...
Chie: And they said Satsuki-san was summoning aradama at the cost of her own life.
Kofuki: Still, the tradeoff is the elite guard got stronger, didn't they?
Chie: As far as I'm concerned, I can't think that that was worth it...
Mirja: Should we inject Yamashiro Yui with this ampoule, or... Under normal circumstances, this is something Yamashiro Yui should decide for herself, but...
Kiyoka: ...I don't think we should! I don't think Yui should have any more noro than she already does!
Chie: I'm against it as well. We need to let Yui-chan rest for a while, and wait to find some other way to help her.
Mirja: But, which method will cause Yamashiro Yui the least amount of suffering...
Mihono: Mirja-san...
Mirja: ...Asakura Mihono, please give me your point of view.
Mihono: Yeah, okay. I think--
Yui: ......Wait!
Mihono: Ah, Yui...
Mirja: --Yamashiro Yui! What are you doing!?
Mirja: Why would you be so reckless...!? That's the strengthening drug for the elite guard, you know!!
Yui: ...I, I heard, everything... you said...!!
Yui: But, there's something... I have to do!
Yui: With me, like that, Miku would never... be happy!!
Yui: There's no point, if I won't be me! Whatever price, I have to pay!!
Other: Mirja's Proposal
Sana: Hmm... I see. That's not a bad idea.
Mirja: For such a storied okatana, the Sword Administration Bureau must have some form of records...
Sana: I got it. Give it a shot. I'll tell the reference room to lend you a hand.
Sana: And you're not going to get that far researching on your own. I'll allow you to bring one member of the investigation team along. Who you pick is up to you.
Mirja: Thank you very much.
Sana: Phew... Leave it to the captain of the investigation team to come up with a proposal like this.
Sana: It's the primary mission of your investigation team, after all.
Mirja: That's true.